Source code for pycoal.mining

# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 COAL Developers
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty 
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth 
# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

import logging
import numpy
import pycoal
import spectral
import time

# classes identified as proxies for coal mining classification using USGSv6
proxy_class_names_usgsv6 = [u'Schwertmannite BZ93-1 s06av95a=b',
                            u'Renyolds_TnlSldgWet SM93-15w s06av95a=a',
                            u'Renyolds_Tnl_Sludge SM93-15 s06av95a=a']

# classes identified as proxies for coal mining classification using USGSv7
proxy_class_names_usgsv7 = [u'Schwertmannite BZ93-1         BECKb AREF',
                     u'Renyolds_TnlSldgWet SM93-15w  BECKa AREF',
                     u'Renyolds_Tnl_Sludge SM93-15   BECKa AREF']

[docs]class MiningClassification:
[docs] def __init__(self, class_names=proxy_class_names_usgsv6): """ Construct a new MiningClassification object given an optional list of spectral class names which defaults to coal mining proxies. Args: class_names (str[]): list of class names to identify. """ self.class_names = class_names"Instantiated Mining Classifier with following specification: " \ "-proxy class names '%s'" %(class_names))
[docs] def classify_image(self, image_file_name, classified_file_name, spectral_version): """ Classify mines or other features in a COAL mineral classified image by copying relevant pixels and discarding the rest in a new file. Args: image_file_name (str): filename of the image to be classified classified_file_name (str): filename of the classified image Returns: None """ if (spectral_version == "7"): class_names = proxy_class_names_usgsv7 self.class_names = class_names"Instantiated Mining Classifier with following specification: " \ "-proxy class names '%s'" %(class_names)) start = time.time()"Starting Mining Classification for image '%s', saving classified image to '%s'" %(image_file_name, classified_file_name)) # open the image image = spectral.open_image(image_file_name) data = image.asarray() M = image.shape[0] N = image.shape[1] # allocate a zero-initialized MxN array for the classified image classified = numpy.zeros(shape=(M,N), dtype=numpy.uint16) # get class numbers from names class_list = image.metadata.get('class names') class_nums = [class_list.index(className) if className in class_list else -1 for className in self.class_names] # copy pixels of the desired classes for y in range(N): for x in range(M): pixel = data[x,y] if pixel[0] in class_nums: classified[x,y] = 1 + class_nums.index(pixel[0]) # save the classified image to a file classified_file_name, classified, class_names=['No data']+self.class_names, metadata={ 'data ignore value': 0, 'description': 'COAL '+pycoal.version+' mining classified image.', 'map info': image.metadata.get('map info') }) end = time.time() seconds_elapsed = end - start m, s = divmod(seconds_elapsed, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60)"Completed Mining Classification. Time elapsed: '%d:%02d:%02d'" % (h, m, s))