Mineral Classification API

class pycoal.mineral.MineralClassification(algorithm=<function SAM>, **kwargs)[source]
__init__(algorithm=<function SAM>, **kwargs)[source]

Construct a new MineralClassification object with a spectral library in ENVI format such as the USGS Digital Spectral Library 06 or the ASTER Spectral Library Version 2.0 converted with pycoal.mineral.AsterConversion.convert().

If provided, the optional class name parameter will initialize the classifier with a subset of the spectral library, otherwise the full spectral library will be used.

  • algorithm (function, optional) – the classifier callback
  • **kwargs – arguments that will be passed to the chosen classifier

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

classify_image(image_file_name, classified_file_name)[source]

Classify minerals in an AVIRIS image using chosen specified classification algorithm and save the results to a file.

  • image_file_name (str) – filename of the image to be classified
  • classified_file_name (str) – filename of the classified image


static filter_classes(classified_file_name)[source]

Modify a classified image to remove unused classes.

Parameters:classified_file_name (str) – file of the classified image
static subset_spectral_library(spectral_library, class_names)[source]

Create a copy of the spectral library containing only the named classes.

  • spectral_library (SpectralLibrary) – ENVI spectral library
  • class_names (str[]) – list of names of classes to include

subset of ENVI spectral library

Return type:


static to_rgb(image_file_name, rgb_image_file_name, red=680.0, green=532.5, blue=472.5)[source]

Generate a three-band RGB image from an AVIRIS image and save it to a file.

  • image_file_name (str) – filename of the source image
  • rgb_image_file_name (str) – filename of the three-band RGB image
  • red (float, optional) – wavelength in nanometers of the red band
  • green (float, optional) – wavelength in nanometers of the green band
  • blue (float, optional) – wavelength in nanometers of the blue band
